I am doing this blog, because of what I have learned in HS101 at Spain Park High School for the 1st semester. We have covered the topics of Internet Safety, Financial Literacy, How to Get Into College, How to use Our Library, and How to Apply for a Job.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tips on Using the SPHS Library and Using Destiny

You can search for books if you can't find them on the book shelf.  The librarians are Ms. Utz, Coach Middlebrooks, Mrs. Wren, and student libray aids.  Libray hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  You can check-in and check-out books at the libray but you must return by the day that it is due.  Therefore, if you don't return the book back to the libray by the time it's due, you will be charged with a fine.  It is $0.05 per late day, so please return your book in at its due date.  However, if you don't find the book your are looking for on the book shelf, that's alright.  What you can do is go on to Destiny, type in the book you want to find in the search box, and it will tell you where the book is located.  Also you can ask any librian to help you find whatever book you're looking for.

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