I am doing this blog, because of what I have learned in HS101 at Spain Park High School for the 1st semester. We have covered the topics of Internet Safety, Financial Literacy, How to Get Into College, How to use Our Library, and How to Apply for a Job.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tips on Filling Out Job Applications

1. Be honist in your answers.

2. Write positive answers. (no lying or any other stuff)

3. Write in blue or black ink with a pen. (no pencil)

4. Write your answers neatly and in print. (not cursive) Also, write your answers correctly.  Don't cross out ANY answers of your job application.

***The Concequences will be you will not be hired or allowed to participate in the job you are trying apply for.***

Purpose and Use of Cover Letters & Follow-up Letters

Purpose for a Cover Letter:

1. Focus on your qualifications of the position you are requring for your hired job.

2. Provide an example of your writing abilities.

Purpose for a Follow-Up Letter:

Same as Cover Letter.

Correct Interview Dress For Males & Females


1. Wear nice suits. (not all messed, ragged, stained up, muddy, old, ripped/torn, etc.)

2. Wear nice shoes. (same rules for the suit) Make sure they fit you!

3. Keep hair nice and clean. (not unclean)

4. Wear nice glasses if you have seeing problems. (no lenses broken, dinged, scratched, messed up, dirty, cracked, nicked, etc.)


1. Wear a nice shirt under a nice jacket.

2. Wear nice luxary shoes or any type of high heel shoes.  Make sure they fit you!

3. Wear nice glasses if you have seeing problems. (no lenses broken, dinged, scratched, dirty, cracked, nicked, etc.)

4. Keep hair nice and clean. (not unclean)

Preparing an for Interview & Top Interview Questions

Preparing for an Interview:

1. Do some research on the business before the interview.

2. Dress appropriately.

3. Greet them politely with a handshake.

4. Frequently make eye contact with the interviewer.

5. Give appropriate answers to whatever question the interviewer asks.

Top Interview Questions:

1. What is your ideal job situation?

2. Do you feel you have leadership qualities?

3. Do you have any strengths or weaknesses?

4. What job do you want to apply for your career?

5. Why should I hire you for this job?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Purpose of Resume & Content Order of Resumes

The 2 purposes of resumes:

1. To do some advance thinking about your educational background, working experiances, and job skills.

2. To use information about these experiences and skills to build a resume.

Tips on Using the SPHS Library and Using Destiny

You can search for books if you can't find them on the book shelf.  The librarians are Ms. Utz, Coach Middlebrooks, Mrs. Wren, and student libray aids.  Libray hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  You can check-in and check-out books at the libray but you must return by the day that it is due.  Therefore, if you don't return the book back to the libray by the time it's due, you will be charged with a fine.  It is $0.05 per late day, so please return your book in at its due date.  However, if you don't find the book your are looking for on the book shelf, that's alright.  What you can do is go on to Destiny, type in the book you want to find in the search box, and it will tell you where the book is located.  Also you can ask any librian to help you find whatever book you're looking for.

Monday, November 7, 2011

ACT/SAT Entrance Exams

1. Take the ACT or SAT I during SPRING of your Junior Year.

2. Try both the ACT and SAT I to see which one is best for you.

3. Colleges always take the highest scores, so it's smart to retake the tests.